Before the difference between an "introvert" and an "extrovert" was explained to me, I always struggled to understand why I was the way I was. Why I often just needed to get away from people, why I got worn out of people so quickly, why I shut down after a certain amount of time. I consider myself to be a pretty social, happy person, so making sense of why I couldn't handle being around people for a certain amount of time was a struggle.
This isn't much like my normal posts, but it is very useful information.
Not that I ever felt unjustified by being the way that I am, but it is nice to see, from another person's point-of-view, the differences between an introvert and extrovert. I've always thought I was an introvert and this just reinforces that. I recommend you read it because it will (a) help you understand me better, (b) help you understand yourself better, if you're an introvert as well, and (c) help you understand and respect introverts.
Alone time is a real good thing. Even more than that, needing space is okay.
What Is It Really Like to Be an Introvert? by Kate Bartolotta
love love love this! makes so much sense!!