Some lunatics finally decided to hire me, hah. They're in for a treat. Jk, jk, kinda. But Old Navy in Anderson has decided to hire me. I should have known that Jesus would perfectly knit this together, seeing as Old Navy was only my second job application in Anderson. (The first was Victoria's Secret. It's probably appropriate that that failed because (a) I could not deal with men in the store and (b) my paycheck would be so shot.)
ANYWAY. I had a little baby heart attack today when I wrote out all the days that I would need off of work from now through December. This attack came, not only because of fear that they wouldn't want me anymore because my list is pretty large with school and RA stuff, but mainly because I worry about being able to handle it.
Then I got to thinking. How foolish is it of me to think that Jesus would call me to this job, only to watch me fail. I know I come to this point a lot: I know that God is working for my good, BUT the Lord gives and the Lord takes away (cue drama queen) and what if He takes this away from me?!
Yes, yes, I'm basically reading your mind right now. "Omg, Brenna, chill." But really, I was so worried.
I often times forget that the Lord is kind and that He is good. And that He won't call me to something, take it away, and make things rougher for me. God will never call me to something worse. He only gets better. The best really is yet to come.
It's been resting in my heart today that the Lord is kind. He is sweet. He is loving. And above all, He is with me. In the calm, in the chaos, when I feel like my life is spiraling out of control, when my life really is spiraling out of control, when I can't see clearly, when I don't want to move forward, when I can't find my way.
Praise God that He is at work within me. I firmly believe that I have not yet (and will not) arrive, but it is such a comfort to know that the Lord is never done working on us. He is constantly shaping us. Praise God for that. Thank God that this isn't where my story ends. Thank God that this isn't my peak. Thank God that He is patient, so, so patient.
I hope this is an encouragement for you. God doesn't call us from good things into worse things, but rather, from good things to greater things.
Prayer Time: God, you are greater and I pray that you would help us to recognize that. I pray that you would constantly draw us to you. Thank you for better days. Thank you for long, rough days because we know that even in those, you're at work and you're building us into something greater. Thank you for kindness. Thank you for your gentle heart that loves and loves and loves and moves in our lives. I pray that we would rest in the truth that you are more, immeasurably more, and that you are faithful. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
"God is able through His mighty power at work within us to accomplish
infinitely more than we might ask or think." Ephesians 3:20
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