Waiting on The One
You know, Prince Charming. He'll come sweeping in on a horse, decked out with muscles and gorgeous hair. He's kind, caring, sensitive without being too much, handsome, adorable, and of course, a gentleman.
As a girl that completely bought into this, I'm struggling at 18.
With every boy lost, I get more and more exhausted/frustrated/aggravated/bitter/mad with/at God. My Prince Charming should be here any minute. He should come waltzing in and swoon me and we'll get married and have kids and things will be perfect.
I'm not sure where the disconnect happened, but somewhere along the lines, our society amped up this boy into something that he isn't. Supposedly, he'll make our lives complete. Supposedly, he'll be all we need. Supposedly, supposedly, supposedly..
I'm not sure about anyone else, but I'm about dang tired of "supposedly". I'm tired of getting my hopes up only to be let down. I'm tired of being rejected. And quite frankly, I'm tired of not feeling good enough.
In the Christian world, it's become assumed that if you haven't met Mr. Right yet, you have to focus on your relationship with Christ first/more. If Mr. Right isn't in the picture, obviously you're doing something wrong. I wouldn't say that that is totally wrong, but I can't agree with it either.
This way of thinking is too much for any teenage girl to handle. You're not doing good enough for God. Once you fix yourself, He'll give you what you want.
I wouldn't venture to say that every girl feels that way, but I would say some do because I do. This phenomenon makes it seem like we have to do more to please God to get blessings from Him. That is so twisted.
Don't you know that it was finished on the cross?
Don't you know that God adores you and wants to bless you, even when you do Him wrong?
Don't you know that you will never be good enough for God, but that He pursues you and loves you anyway?
It's a dangerous place to be when we feel like we're waiting on God. This leads to this built up anger inside because God isn't giving us what we want and we begin to feel like we'll never get it because we'll never be good enough.
What if God's #1 for me isn't right on paper? What if he has different wants than I do?
If you're following me at all, I think you know where I'm going with this. You see, we've created this jacked up image of what "God's Best" + Prince Charming should be like. But the two are not at all the same. Prince Charming is what the world wants for you, while God's Best is THE best.
I say it all the time, but it gets harder and harder everyday to be a Christian. I think that's all part of the plan, no doubt. But this is such a dangerous place to be. Stumbling between Prince Charming and God's Best is no fun.
Ladies, God has a plan for you FAR beyond anything you could ever imagine (HALLELUJAH FOR THAT). God is working, even in your trials. In every season, He is weaving. He never quits, ever. He is the only Man that will never fail you.
I don't think that you have to be good enough to get blessings from God. I believe that God works out all things in HIS timing, for HIS purposes, for HIS will to be done, so that HE may be brought the ultimate glory.
So, if you're a Lady in Waiting like I am, keep waiting. Wait until God interrupts your waiting. Heaven has a plan (and a man ;) HEY) for you.
Romans 8:28- And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.
Prayer Time: God, I pray that you would give the women of our society strength. I pray for strength to stand against society and to wait for what is right. God, I pray that you would encourage us in our faith, so that you may be brought the ultimate glory in all situations. I pray for a peace in your presence and a hope in your name. We know that you are working for us and I pray that we would never forget that truth, but rather we would cling to it. We love you, God, and we give you all the praise. In Your Son's name, amen.